Hello everyone! I decided to do a book tag I seen over on the lovely Kristen’s blog called Kristen Kraves BooksMake sure to check her page out . She post’s amazing stuff and is a wonderful person as well!

The link to Kristen’s original post is here. Check out her answers!

Now let’s get started on the Cliche Book Tag.

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Actions Speak Louder than Words.

A book that wasn’t or couldn’t be better than the movie.

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This one is no contest I have to say Maze Runner! I read the first book and wasn’t a fan. It was dull to me personally and I couldn’t connect. When the movie came out I of course watched it and found it 100% better than the book. Plus let’s face it the movie has Dylan O’Bryan in it how could it not be brilliant.

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The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side.

A rags to riches or riches to rags story.

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I can’t really think of an answer for this one but I guess you could say Feyre from ACOTAR. She went from being hardly able to feed her family to having more money than she will ever need.


The Apple does not fall Far from the Tree.

A parent child relationship that you love

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Maura from Raven Cycles was an awesome mother who carried for her daughter Blue and taught her a sense of morals while still being one of her best friends. Maura is funny and has a heart of gold.


You Can’t Judge a Book by it’s Cover.

A great book that needs a better cover.

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I hate the covers for the Lux Series so much. I am usually not a fan of having actually people on the cover. (There are exceptions to this).  I loved the books but I wouldn’t pick them up for the covers alone. Actually I didn’t buy the physical books I bought them on my Kindle.


You Can’t Please Everyone.

A book you hate that everyone loves.

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Wintersong is a book that everyone seems to love. I mean it’s ratings are extremely good but I just couldn’t fall in love. In fact this book quickly found its way to my DNF pile. I wanted to love the book because the writing was flawless but the musical history and plot just confused me. I eventually gave up.


What Doesn’t Kill you Makes you Stronger.

What’s a book that made you a better person for having read it.

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This book series made me realize that no matter how crappy your life is and no matter what the world throws at you with family by your side you can endure. Let’s face it the children in this series have horrible luck but we get to see the unbreakable bond they share with each other.


Love is Blind.

A book with a disabled character or actual blind love.

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Smokescreen has to use a cane because of his leg disease but still manages to be part of the Renegades and save others. He is just as strong and capable as any other hero!


Ignorance is Bliss.

A book that is bad but you just don’t want to admit it.

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I can’t help but think of Twilight. I was in love with book and still am but lets face it the story-line and the relationship between Bella and Edward was horrible. He stalks her and breaks into her house to watch her sleep that is creepy! What can I say I love a good train wreak.


There is No Time Like the Present.

What is your favorite contemporary book?

…. WELLLL I don’t really read contemporary books. The only one I read was Fault in the Stars I think and it pretty much put me off them for a while. I just haven’t found one out there that has caught my attention yet.


Better Safe than Sorry.

A book you don’t want to read in case it’s bad.

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A Darker Shade of Magic is extremely popular with a huge following that made me nervous to read this book. I keep holding off reading it until this year when I finally decided to give it a try. I LOVE IT! I can understand why this book has just a big following V.E Schwab is a genius when it comes to world-building and book plots.


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I Tag

Emma @ Emma’s Chapter

Jessica @ Reading With Jessica

Kiersten @ Once Upon A Spine

Shanah @ Bionic Book Worm

Andrea @ Andrea’s Nirvana

Anyone else who want to give this tag a go considered yourself officially tag